Posted 10:49 am, 12/31/2016
You will probably have to upgrade you tv viewing channels in order to get TLC GO. It will cost more but that's the price we have to pay for extra channels. I'm sorry, if I had read you subject heading about TLC Go I wouldn't have been giving advice. Hope you get it straightened out.
just asking
Posted 9:43 am, 12/31/2016
We have Dish for the TV 📺 my husband likes there channels better than other providers. We can get the TLC channel but not the TLC GO channel.
Posted 9:24 am, 12/31/2016
You shouldn't be able to get any Charter TV channels if you have only Charter Internet. I use to be with Charter Internet and Direct TV and when they kept going up on me until I couldn't afford it I went 100% with Charter Cable TV and Internet.
Elmo Cleghorn
Posted 9:15 am, 12/31/2016
it's not possible to get any of the GO features if you don't subscribe to that feature via your cable tv subscription,
just asking
Posted 12:01 am, 12/29/2016
Can you get this if you only have charter internet and not there cable TV. I try to get it but it won't let me watch the shows that is lock.