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Posted 1:00 am, 05/03/2024

Poll: Plurality Says Joe Biden Is 'Getting Worse' as President

A plurality believes President Joe Biden is "getting worse" as president, April's survey from Harvard-Harris found.

The survey asked respondents, "Do you think Joe Biden is improving as a president, getting worse, or staying the same?"

A plurality, 47 percent, says Biden is actually "getting worse" as president, while just 29 percent believe he is improving. About a quarter, 24 percent, believe he is "staying the same."

Most Republicans and independents, 76 percent and 52 percent, respectively, believe Biden is actively getting "worse" as president, but 55 percent of Democrats disagree and believe he is improving.

The survey also found that 52 percent of white Americans, 34 percent of black Americans, 38 percent of Hispanic Americans, and 36 percent of Asian Americans believe Biden is actively getting worse as president.

The survey also found that most, 64 percent, believe Biden's "public lapses are becoming more frequent," compared to 26 percent who believe they are less frequent.


Posted 7:36 pm, 05/02/2024

Poll: Americans Overwhelmingly Say Donald Trump Is Strong Leader, Joe Biden Is Weak Leader

A majority of Americans see former President Donald Trump as a strong leader, while most see President Joe Biden as a weak leader, according to a poll.

The Economist/YouGov poll published on Wednesday asked respondents to classify Trump and Biden's leadership qualities.

A majority of 58 percent of all adult respondents say Trump is a strong leader, including a plurality of 35 percent who see him as "very strong." Trump is up one point in this department from a March Economist/YouGov poll that Breitbart News reported on.

The remaining 42 percent of respondents see Trump as a weak leader to varying degrees, including 32 percent who say he is "very weak."

Conversly, Americans overwhelmingly say Biden has weak leadership qualities. A strong majority (64 percent) say Biden is a weak leader. Moreover, 45 percent of all poll participants regard Biden as "very weak."

That 64 percent view Biden as a weak leader marks a four-point increase from March's poll, signaling Americans are further losing confidence in him.

In the latest poll, a mere 36 percent of Americans believe Biden to be a strong leader, with just 14 percent categorizing him as "very strong" and 22 percent saying he is "somewhat strong."

The survey also shows that Trump narrowly leads Biden nationally in a hypothetical five-way presidential contest among registered voters. Trump garners 44 percent support, while Biden garners 43 percent.

Three percent back independent Robert F Kennedy Jr., while the Green Party's Jill Stein and independent Cornel West tie at one percent. Another five percent are undecided, and two percent would sit the election out.

Trump holds a 7-point advantage over Biden among independents at 41 percent to 34 percent.


Posted 5:18 pm, 05/01/2024

Poll: Nearly Seven in Ten Think Joe Biden's America Is 'Out of Control'

The vast majority of respondents in a YouGov/Economist poll believe that President Joe Biden's America is "out of control."

The poll, published on Wednesday, asked 1,755 Americans whether they felt "things in this country these days are" "under control" or "out of control." An overwhelming majority of 68 percent believe things are "out of control," while a mere 16 percent think things are "under control."

It comes as widespread anti-Israel protests consume college campuses, as the economy is still reeling from 40-year-high inflation, and as an illegal immigration crisis persists at the U.S. southern border.


Posted 11:07 pm, 04/30/2024

Poll: Republicans Competitive in Key Swing State Senate Races

An Emerson College/Hill poll published Tuesday showed Republican Senate candidates in competitive positions in hypothetical races in four of five key battleground states early in the general election season.

The poll found Republicans in striking distance or within the margin of error in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, while the leading GOP candidate in Nevada, where the Senate race in 2022 was extremely close, faced a single-digit deficit:


Posted 8:39 pm, 04/30/2024

Poll: Most Agree Democrats Are Using Legal System to Take Out Political Opponents

ost voters agree that Democrats are using the legal system to take out their political opponents - namely, former President Donald Trump - April's Harvard-Harris survey found.

The survey asked respondents, "Do you think the legal prosecutions of Donald Trump are fair and unrelated to politics or do you think the Democrats today are engaged in lawfare - a campaign using the government and the legal system in biased ways to take out a political opponent?"

Most, 57 percent, believe Democrats are "engaged in using the legal system in biased ways to take out a political opponent," compared to 43 percent who believe the various prosecutions of Trump are "fair and unrelated to politics."

While most Democrats, 69 percent, believe the prosecutions of Trump are fair and unrelated to politics, nearly one-third of Democrats, 31 percent, disagree. Additionally, most Republicans and independents - 89 percent and 57 percent, respectively - believe Democrats are engaged in using lawfare to take out Trump.


Posted 9:56 am, 04/30/2024

CBS News Poll: Half of Voters in Swing States Say Economy is Worse Under Joe Biden

Joe Biden has been a disaster for the American economy and you can tell that people know this because it's being reflected in the polls.

A new CBS News poll finds that half of voters in swing states believe the economy is worse under Biden.

Almost everything Biden has done from day one has hurt the economy and the buying power of working people. From the moment he shut down the Keystone Pipeline, he has repeatedly made decisions that affected the economy in negative ways.


Posted 7:21 pm, 04/28/2024

Former President Donald Trump has opened his biggest lead ever captured in the CNN poll of the American electorate, enjoying a six-point advantage over incumbent Democrat President Joe Biden.

Trump, at 49 percent, is six percent ahead of Biden's 43 percent when the two are polled head-to-head. When third-party candidates like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Dr. Jill Stein, and Cornel West are added into the field, Trump's lead over Biden grows to nearly double digits. In that multi-candidate scenario, Trump is at 42 percent, Biden is down at 33 percent, Kennedy is at 16 percent, West at four percent, and Stein at three percent.

That's a nine percent lead for Trump nationally, an astounding number that if true would signal the former president is on track for an electoral college romp of Biden.


Posted 3:48 pm, 04/28/2024

Former President Donald Trump received more good polling news on Sunday, while President Joe Biden appears to struggle to appeal to Americans ahead of the November presidential election. While Biden has seen improvement in some recent national and state-level polls, overall the Democratic incumbent appears to be fighting an uphill battle against his Republican rival. Trump and Biden are polarizing figures, with many polls showing that they are unpopular with a majority of Americans.

The latest poll from CNN/SSRS showed that majorities of Americans now view Trump's presidency as a success and Biden's presidency as a failure. Among those surveyed, 55 percent said they view the former Republican president's White House term as successful, whereas 61 percent say they view the current Democratic president's tenure as a failure.


Posted 10:07 pm, 04/26/2024

POLL: Biden Trails Trump in Six Swing States - 70% Say Economy is on the "Wrong Track"

According to a recent poll, President Trump currently holds a lead in six of the seven key swing states that are expected to determine the 2024 Presidential Election.

The results of the Bloomberg/Morning Consult swing state poll are as follows:

    Trump leads Biden by seven points in Arizona (49%-42%).Trump leads Biden by six points in Georgia (49%-43%).Trump leads Biden by eight points in Nevada (51%-43%).Trump leads Biden by ten points in North Carolina (51%-41%).Trump leads Biden by four points in Wisconsin (48%-44%).Trump leads Biden by one point in Pennsylvania (47%-46%).

Biden only leads Trump in Michigan by just two points with 47%-45%. Joe Biden won with massive voter fraud in all of these states in 2020 except for North Carolina.


Posted 9:50 pm, 04/25/2024

NEW: New York union leader Bobby Bartels says most of his Union workers are Democrats but they are supporting Trump in 2024. Bartels said he conducted a poll of his 9,000 members and Trump is leading Biden 3 to 1. "In the past, we are basically Democrats, all of us. And after what's happened the last 4 years in this country, Democrats are basically pushing everybody to the other side." "We are tired of immigration, we are tired of our tax dollars going to immigration, we are tired of the crime, we need to put a handle back on things in this country." During a separate interview with Fox News, Bartels said: "I put out a poll in my union. President Trump is leading Joe Biden 3 to 1 in my presidential poll out of my 9,000 members."


Posted 12:52 pm, 04/25/2024

SHOCK POLL: Nearly Half of Democrats Would Support Trump's Plan For Mass Deportations

Nearly half of Democrats would support Donald Trump's plan for mass deportations during his second presidential term, according to new polling data.

The poll, conducted by Axios in partnership with Harris Poll, found that 51 per cent of the American public would support the plan, including 42 per cent of Democrats, 68 per cent of Republicans and 46 per cent of independents.


Posted 12:44 pm, 04/25/2024

Americans' ratings of Joe Biden's job performance remain more negative than positive and have been largely stable over the last year: Today, 35% of Americans approve of his performance, while 62% disapprove


Posted 9:19 am, 04/24/2024

Poll: Only 21% of Voters 'Strongly' Approve of Biden, 49% 'Strongly' Disapprove

Only 21 percent of voters "strongly" approved of President Joe Biden, while 49 percent "strongly" disapproved, a recent Rasmussen poll found, raising reelection concerns for the president.


Posted 1:55 pm, 04/18/2024

Former President Donald Trump has grown his lead against President Joe Biden nationally, as three in four voters say the cost of living is on the rise, according to an Emerson College poll.

In a hypothetical two-way race, 46 percent of respondents back Trump, and 43 percent support Biden, the poll, published Thursday morning, showed. Another 12 percent are undecided, and when they are forced to pick a candidate, 50 percent choose Trump, and 50 percent choose Biden.

With the undecided leaners added into the rest of the full sample, Trump leads 52 percent to 49 percent (51.5 percent to 48.5 percent without rounding). Trump's support is up one point compared to an Emerson College poll published April 4, while Biden's remains the same.

Trump's edge grows when the field expands to include third-party candidates. In a five-way race, Trump leads with 44 percent to Biden's 40 percent, while Robert F. Kennedy Jr. follows in third place with eight percent. Leftist Professor Cornel West takes one percent, and the Green Party's Jill Stein garners nearly half a percent. Eight percent are undecided.


Posted 2:30 pm, 04/17/2024

Know what Biden is really worried about? An escalated war that will have a significant impact on the price of oil. Gas prices at home will skyrocket, fueling additional inflation, just before the election. More inflation = less votes for Biden.


Posted 2:20 pm, 04/17/2024

Latino support for demented pedo joe takes more hits.

Joe Biden Faces Serious Threat from Donald Trump Gaining Latino Voters

Biden's support among Latinos shrunk by 12 points (53-41 percent) since he assumed office, Axios/Ipsos polling found in April. Trump's support increased eight points during the same period to 32 percent.

In addition, Biden only holds 50 percent support among Latinos, while Trump's support has grown to 41 percent, a high number for any Republican, a New York Times/Siena College poll found.

"Most noteworthy is that Biden has fallen," Chris Jackson, senior vice president of public affairs at Ipsos, told the Hill. "And that's the real story."

Ipsos polling also found that among Latinos:

    Trump gained 29 points on Biden since he assumed office in 2021 (53-24).
    Biden only holds a three-point lead among those who intend to vote in November.
    Trump holds a 22-point lead over Biden on who can handle the costly economy. Trump also holds an 11-point lead on reducing soaring crime.


Posted 7:13 am, 04/17/2024

Voters' view of former President Donald Trump's presidency improved nine points after President Joe Biden assumed office, a New York Times/Siena poll found Saturday.

Under Biden, costs soared nearly 20 percent across the board, wars broke out in the Middle East and Ukraine, the U.S. experienced the deadly Afghanistan withdrawal, and over 1.7 million known "gotaways" (illegal aliens) entered the country.

Key polling metrics show Trump became far more positive since 2020:

    42 percent said Trump's tenure was "mostly good for America," compared to only 25 percent for Biden.More voters (up 11 points) regard Trump as a "safe choice" than previously viewed in 2016.More voters (up 10 points) approve of his handling of the economy.More voters (up 9 points) think Trump left the country better off.More voters (up 8 points) approve of Trump's handling of maintaining law and order.

Forty-three percent of respondents voted for Biden in 2020, while only 36 percent voted for Trump.


Posted 2:09 pm, 04/15/2024

NYT Poll: 64% of Voters Say Biden's America Is 'Headed in the Wrong Direction'

A strong majority of voters believe President Joe Biden's America is on the wrong track, as voters look more fondly on former President Donald Trump's presidency, a New York Times/Siena poll found Saturday.

The pollster asked respondents, "Do you think the United States is on the right track, or is it headed in the wrong direction?" Respondents replied:

    Right track: 25 percentWrong direction: 64 percentDon't know/Refused: 11 percent


Posted 12:49 pm, 04/12/2024

Former President Donald Trump is enjoying a double-digit advantage over President Joe Biden in Florida, according to the latest Emerson College survey.

Overall, the survey found 54 percent of Florida respondents disapproving of Biden's job as president. This dismal approval rating coincides with his failure to lead Trump in the Sunshine State, which grows increasingly more Republican by the day. The survey asked respondents, "In a hypothetical 2024 Presidential match-up between Joe Biden and Donald Trump who would you vote for at this time?"

Most, 51 percent, said they would support Trump, compared to 38 percent who said Biden - a difference of 13 percentage points. While Biden has the edge with leaners - it is a 53-47 split - Trump continues to maintain his double-digit advantage when leaners are included, garnering 56 percent to Biden's 44 percent:


Posted 11:41 am, 04/12/2024


Posted 11:28 pm, 04/11/2024

Fake BS

Yes you are

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